Why Digital Marketing Is Necessary For Your Business ?


Why Digital Marketing Is Necessary For Your Business

There was a time when trade was made between people through complete physical promotion with direct customer contact to sell any product or service. Then, a time came when the print media prevailed over the market with the best pamphlets, brochures, newspaper ads, and many other means of printed materials. Soon, digital media took over the market and prevailed for a long time. Still, you can see the companies are spending a huge sum of amount in visual promotions. But, these kind of promotions and not only costly but also they are far from reach of small and medium enterprises.

Consider, you have started a business and you want to show your ad on a TV and your current annual turnover is not more than 25 lacs. But, a 10 sec ad cost in a prime time show in India will cost you more than 15,000 INR which means if your ad runs for 10 seconds for more than 50 times in any single channel, it will cost you more than 7,50,000 INR. which is the real problem for you.

Thus, choosing digital marketing can be a right choice for you where you can actually monitor every marketing content and strategy with the proper analytical approach.

Ankit Mishra

Now coming to print ads, using pamphlets will never let you calculate your actual ROI as you will have no idea about how people have interacted with the content you have provided in your pahmplet. Also, you will not be able to identify which is the real user who had interacted with your pamphlet. Similarily, using newspaper ads are not only expensive but also untraceable.

Thus, choosing digital marketing can be a right choice for you where you can actually monitor every marketing content and strategy with the proper analytical approach. Digital marketing is necessary for your business because using a good strategy and technique with a small amount of budget can help you a lot to grow your business significantly.

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